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HP Gateway Discontinuance Statement - TID10095353 (last modified 05OCT2005)
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HP Gateway Discontinuance Statement


Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS)

HP IP/IPX Printer Gateway for NDPS

NDPS Gateway for NetWare Servers


Hewlett-Packard Company has announced the discontinuance of the HP Gateway for NDPS (HPGATE.NLM). The statement reads, in part:

"HP has a strong commitment to provide support for Novell products. With this commitment in mind, HP has been providing the HP IP/IPX Printer Gateway for NDPS (HP Gateway) to enable printing on Novell networks. However, after careful testing and evaluation, HP believes that the Novell SNMP Printer Gateway (Novell Gateway) is the preferred solution for enabling printing on Novell networks. Therefore, the HP Gateway product will be discontinued on January 1, 2005.

"Customers are encouraged to migrate to the Novell Gateway as soon as possible.. For information about migrating to the Novell Gateway, click here to go to the Novell support Web site for document TID number 2968782."

The statement is available at http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareDescription.jsp?locBasepartNum=ja-22784-1&lang=English+(US)

The link cited, TID 2968782, is obsolete.


Novell recommends that customers running the HP Gateway convert their printer agents to use the Novell Gateway for NetWare Servers (NDPSGW.NLM). This can easily be achieved by using the NDPS Printer Agent Conversion Utility v2.  Go to Novell's File Finder and search for PACvrt.exe to obtain this utility.

Document Title: HP Gateway Discontinuance Statement
Document ID: 10095353
Solution ID: NOVL99654
Creation Date: 05NOV2004
Modified Date: 05OCT2005
Novell Product Class: Netware Client


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